BMW R nineT Racer Total Cost of Ownership

Selected Bike(s)

Total Cost of Ownership

BMW R NineT Racer
₹ 16,50,000
₹ 15,68,372
₹ 26.14

Total Cost of Ownership Breakdown (in ₹)

TCO Calculation
Fuel Cost
Tyre Change Cost
Service Cost
TCO Calculation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Insurance Cost 60,875 42,075 34,584 26,415 19,039 1,82,988
Fuel Cost 87,692 88,569 89,455 90,349 91,253 4,47,318
Tyre Change Cost 0 0 0 0 26,337 26,337
Service Cost 9,637 19,273 19,273 19,273 19,273 86,729
Depreciation 2,47,500 82,500 1,65,000 1,65,000 1,65,000 8,25,000
TCO 4,05,704 2,32,417 3,08,312 3,01,037 3,20,902 15,68,372
TCO/KM 33.81 19.37 25.69 25.09 26.74 26.14