Yamaha YZF-R15 V3 Total Cost of Ownership

Selected Bike(s)

Total Cost of Ownership

Yamaha YZF-R15 V3
₹ 1,27,000
₹ 1,16,050
₹ 1.93

Total Cost of Ownership Breakdown (in ₹)

TCO Calculation
Fuel Cost
Tyre Change Cost
Service Cost
TCO Calculation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Insurance Cost 9,446 3,239 2,662 2,985 2,418 20,750
Fuel Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tyre Change Cost 0 0 0 0 7,500 7,500
Service Cost 2,700 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 24,300
Depreciation 19,050 6,350 12,700 12,700 12,700 63,500
TCO 31,196 14,989 20,762 21,085 28,018 1,16,050
TCO/KM 2.6 1.25 1.73 1.76 2.33 1.93

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