Lexus LX Total Cost of Ownership

Selected Car(s)

Total Cost of Ownership

Lexus LX
₹ 2,32,90,000
₹ 1,68,94,738
₹ 140.79

Total Cost of Ownership Breakdown (in ₹)

TCO Calculation
Fuel Cost
Tyre Change Cost
Service Cost
TCO Calculation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Insurance Cost 8,52,794 5,93,895 4,90,022 3,74,708 2,70,601 25,82,020
Fuel Cost 4,12,800 4,16,928 4,21,097 4,25,308 4,29,561 21,05,694
Tyre Change Cost 0 0 97,250 0 97,250 1,94,500
Service Cost 40,836 81,672 81,672 81,672 81,672 3,67,524
Depreciation 34,93,500 11,64,500 23,29,000 23,29,000 23,29,000 1,16,45,000
TCO 47,99,930 22,56,995 34,19,041 32,10,688 32,08,084 1,68,94,738
TCO/KM 200 94.04 142.46 133.78 133.67 140.79